I am renting a 2008 Prius... and
holyhell people.
It is flippin' amazing.
AMAZING gas mileage....
I feel like a damn Jetson...
I have a key that looks like a small Nintendo video game cartridge.
I push it into it's allotted space...
press the circular POWER button...
Move a nob down or up... and it pops back into place where it was..
but lets you know if you're in Drive or Reverse...
and it is just amazing.
And awesome.
And a hybrid.
I mean.. if you GOTTA drive a car...
this is it, people.
So.. for the next 8 days... Ill be big pimping it...
I was working at tu tu tangos tonight... painting and working......
sold some paintings... (new ones and OLD ones--thank GOD to that..
hate having things linger a while in my room...)
I decided to put a pile of old drawings and doodles..
and things I DONT WANT (trying to become a minimalist...)
together... with a sign that said FREEEEEEEEEEE..
and they went away like hotcakes... pancakes.. lol
people liked/lik my art... things I was gonna throw away/recycle anyhow..
and it was still a good opportunity to network and throw some business
cards out there.. and some people still threw me some dollars as well..
so.. twas an awesome night.. no complaints!
**and... my room is so so much cleaner.. getting there....
soon.. I want just a bed.. my laptop.. and some art supplies.......
Ok.. exhausted!
BIG day tomorrow.. gig in St Augustine........
Mariaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa againnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007

I want to do more in 2008.
Enough talking, more actions.
I need to upgrade myself more.
Would wish to join more positive orgs............
Maybe one day work for Greenpeace or .............
etc etc.
Or some awesome enviro company...... something relating to the outdoors.
And ultimately..
Ill become a park ranger as well.
Later down the line.
Save the polar bears... bring your own mug to starbucks........
Im out! ;O)

OH... AND.. exciting news.............
I plan on renting a hybrid (PRIUS) on wed.......... cause my little Yaris will be in the shop by then. Ill be having to pay the difference of what is covered by my insurance company of... just $5 a day.. which if I have the car 2 weeks? Will be just about $80 with taxes and everything that I'll be paying out of my OWN pocket.. BUT BUT BUT................ it will be so so so well worth it....
because... hi.
It's a Prius :)
46 mpg
Combined city and highway driving.
I has an insanely low carbon footprint...
and also....
and low ass air pollution score as well.
No other car I'd want to drive. :)
Check your vehicle stats here:
::deep happy sigh::
Im out.

Yeah. Ill get a new one too I guess :O(
I dont know. I should just reuse this one somehow......

Notice......... not much to him.. oh glorious, silly, chrome bumper that it dons.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Was rerailed...

Getting back on course.
Just got some mini commissions done.
I have a gig tonight.. having to borrow my little bro's car.
more updates to come.
Come WED at the latest Ill have a rental.. and itll be on "his" tab.. he who will remain unnamed--seeing that he may have been clever enough to google search me as well......seeing that THAT is how I am able to write a bio on the perpetrator at this point.
Gah. Still so mad and bummed.. and just seeking justice at this point.
He never "bothered" to call it in from his point/perspective to his insurance agent/company. Can we say, "shady"? Yes we can. I just did.
He had 2.5 days to do so. He caused the accident.
His truck weighs 4,300 and something lbs.. vs mine = 2300 or so.
He has a 261 horsepower, quad cab... vehicle with a chrome-ass bumper.
I was braked and stationary..... and I only have 103 horsepower btw....
and yeah... hi!? I am plastic... hopefully recycled plastic.. LOL.. and he is a #$#%#@&**(*^(*^(.
Yeah. He moved my vehicle. Physically moved me... several feet.. at an angle. Into potential oncoming traffic. I was left partway in a lane.. on the road I was awaiting to merge into.. not be PUSHED INTO by someone living through a midlife crisis... he'll be turning 50 years old 3/2. Yes. Uh huh.
Theres a claim out.. it's all been filed. His agent was just waiting to hear from him.. so that they could get things going directly. (VS. my insurance getting involved.. and then having to go after his insurance after mine covers the bills.)
I am giving him the weekend to be smart.. and make the call.
BUT, come Monday, 11 am... Ill be giving both sides a call.
And my USAA will have to otherwise get this giant ball rolling...
He has already inconvenienced me... and I grow angrier at this incident by the hour.
Well... not really.
I am a genuinely positive and happy person.. but when I do reflect on the incident at hand... it's like a switch goes off...
And all the hot headed Italian in me boils... like a spicy sauce straight from Naples.. or make it Sicily.
Afterall.. I was waiting and saving my money to get a new car for the past 4 years...
and now.. my little 2008 Yaris.. brand spanking new.. bought it with just 6 miles.. was treating it like gold...................... is now undriveable!?
This is 2007. And I was driving an 08.
Who the hell gave him the right?
Whatever... I know.. bad things happen to decently good people. :)
And I am alive... and fine.. and that is the most important thing! I know it :) I do.
Im out!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Good times.

Glorious days.
I got rear/side ended tonight by a negligent driver of a giant 2005 Nissan Frontier Truck. The only frontier he found, was my little car.
It is going to be some fun trying to make sure I get a brand new car out of this.
He hit me, while we were in a lane, where we could potentially get ready to leave from.. and merge into traffic.
He hit me at what felt like 15 mph? It was a HARD HIT. Could have been faster!?
I was braked at the time... he hit me, heard a large BOOM (thought it was the end of the world!?), and he moved my vehicle 5 ft or so?! Yeah, twas awesome. I ended up in the road.. and fortunately.. no one was coming, so that I didnt get side swiped?!?!? God was totally with me!!!
FHP came, filled a report. He got 4 pts on his license, careless driving.
And me?
I have a car that runs... but shimmies to the right--cause thats normal.(since the wheel base, alignment.. axle everything is screwed up. A slightly dented frame, left fender.. and a Hatch that no longer works.. a bumper that has been pressed in. and mashed....
Its basically awesome.
I was a COMPLETE train wreck earlier. Its funny.. the circumstances.
Giant truck.. little Yaris.
And yeah... taking pics tomorrow morning.. and getting ready to take on State Farm head on.. to ensure I get all that I deserve coming to me.
And be it, a new car... since now it is salvage --I mean, honestly.. the wheels are completely misaligned? I am NOT entitled to that. I was planning on keeping this car 10 years--like I did with my previous car. WTF!? Im not looking to sell this car at all.. I am looking to get what I originally payed for BACK.
Big cars = big problems.
Come on AMERICA.. realize that the universe shouldnt revolve around you. And your big car fetish.
Im out.
Oh, and you better believe that this will be resolved in MY COMPLETE and TOTAL favor.. or mark my words, you will see me on the news with this story. Unfort, I say this, because of so much negative info I have found on the web tonight with Statefarm,.. and how they cut corners with repairs.. and how you really have to FIGHT to get what you truly deserve.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Insanely gorgeous moth I found on my patio.....................
It was actually hissing and making all these crazy quiet sounds at me... when I touched its wing... crazy right!??!? It is about 3/4 inches in length. Insane. Look at the colors!? And the white little spots on it's side?!?! Looks like someone painted him!!!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Schoolio Goodness....




Did these for my Publication Design Class...
Basically... just had to make up a cover for Wired.. featuring the header article on the late Evel...
and also.. just come up with a layout for a spread on said article.
MUCH happier with the edited versions--esp the spread.
Much bolder.. and goes along more with the cover now.




Did these for my Publication Design Class...
Basically... just had to make up a cover for Wired.. featuring the header article on the late Evel...
and also.. just come up with a layout for a spread on said article.
MUCH happier with the edited versions--esp the spread.
Much bolder.. and goes along more with the cover now.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Now some art...

Some quickie freelance email/jpeg commissions...
ALSO.. working on an awesome little project for a Design Firm here in town.. pics and info on that soon.
Other than that... wrapping up my semester with school... my WHOLE one class.. lol... 2 classes left for my degree in Graphics --portfolio review.. and an internship.
Ill be taking OFF of school next semester to focus more so on myself.. working on cleaning up and building my digital portfolio THAT MUCH more.. and also.. focusing on marketing myself more.. and making more money.. networking more like a BEAST I tell you... and also.. to focus on more charity work....
and FINALLY take a trip to Naples,Italy (most likely) to visit my family, and awesome Grandma (Nonna) there... that I haven't seen in almost 7 years now!!! TOO MUCH TIME HAS PASSED!!!
What else.. yeah.. I still CANNOT believe how quickly this year has gone by.
Working on seizing the days more.... what can I say.
Thanks for your time, and have a great day!!!!!!
Mariaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ;O)
--The Hurricane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Basically, I put in a complaint with Office Max a few weeks ago, and they finally got back to me. :)
The story--I was looking to get recycled (atleast 30% recycled.) 11 x 17 inch paper,(to use for ALLLLLL my caricature gigs) and Staples didn't carry it. Went into Office Max, and was blatantly lied to by a MANAGER there. He told me how it wastes more EVERYTHING to recycle paper, vs cutting down virgin trees. (He didn't know who he was talking to.)
What a load of horse shit.
I bought a ream of their bullshit 11 x 17--and proceeded to go home and do my research. I read SO MUCH MORE that night about recycled paper................ needless to say, I got more and more pissed the more websites and urls and everything that I went to! I ended up finding out that OFFICE DEPOT is the one that I remember that carries recycled paper... found more about that on their site, and here's the link for the paper I bought: http://www.officedepot.com/a/products/921408/a/D=2%20recycled%20paper&No=20&Dx=mode%20matchallpartial&Nty=1&Ntx=mode%20matchallpartial|mode%20matchallpartial&Ntt=recycled%20paper|11%20x%2017%20recycled&N=100000&uniqueSearchFlag=true&y=0&x=0&Nr=100000&Ntk=all|all&An=text/
The very next day, I went back to OFFICE MAX, steamed...... and returned the paper,.. and complained to an employee there about their manager.
Didn't stop there.. popped online.. and decided to put in a complaint with Corp--about the manager, his lies to me, and also.. how they're not even staying in "the game" at this point with their competition.
Kinda like how Chamberlins doesn't offer reusable totes/bags--to stay with their competition--Wholefoods.. and even Publix at this point! (more on this soon by the way.)
Anyway, a woman from OFFICE MAX finally got back to me with this email.
Dear Maria,
We apologize for the inconvenience. Your message has been forwarded to the appropriate department for review so that this can be addressed.
OfficeMax thanks you for the opportunity of servicing your future business and personal supply needs. If we can be of further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for choosing OfficeMax!
Joanne Renaud
Customer Service - Email Support - Mentor, OH
And sure, this is somewhat a total copy and paste response back--but Im glad someone got back to me.. and as I said in my statement to them... they've lost my business regardless.
AND ALSO, all of you artists out there that are reading this.. PLEASE consider using OFFICE DEPOT for your 11 x 17 inch recycled paper needs!! GREAT FOR GIGS!!!!!!!
Thank you for your time!
Me :O)
The Hurricane!
OK.. back to some freelance I'm working on right now.. more to come.. and sure.. some art to post soon too! Yeah! ;O)
The story--I was looking to get recycled (atleast 30% recycled.) 11 x 17 inch paper,(to use for ALLLLLL my caricature gigs) and Staples didn't carry it. Went into Office Max, and was blatantly lied to by a MANAGER there. He told me how it wastes more EVERYTHING to recycle paper, vs cutting down virgin trees. (He didn't know who he was talking to.)
What a load of horse shit.
I bought a ream of their bullshit 11 x 17--and proceeded to go home and do my research. I read SO MUCH MORE that night about recycled paper................ needless to say, I got more and more pissed the more websites and urls and everything that I went to! I ended up finding out that OFFICE DEPOT is the one that I remember that carries recycled paper... found more about that on their site, and here's the link for the paper I bought: http://www.officedepot.com/a/products/921408/a/D=2%20recycled%20paper&No=20&Dx=mode%20matchallpartial&Nty=1&Ntx=mode%20matchallpartial|mode%20matchallpartial&Ntt=recycled%20paper|11%20x%2017%20recycled&N=100000&uniqueSearchFlag=true&y=0&x=0&Nr=100000&Ntk=all|all&An=text/
The very next day, I went back to OFFICE MAX, steamed...... and returned the paper,.. and complained to an employee there about their manager.
Didn't stop there.. popped online.. and decided to put in a complaint with Corp--about the manager, his lies to me, and also.. how they're not even staying in "the game" at this point with their competition.
Kinda like how Chamberlins doesn't offer reusable totes/bags--to stay with their competition--Wholefoods.. and even Publix at this point! (more on this soon by the way.)
Anyway, a woman from OFFICE MAX finally got back to me with this email.
Dear Maria,
We apologize for the inconvenience. Your message has been forwarded to the appropriate department for review so that this can be addressed.
OfficeMax thanks you for the opportunity of servicing your future business and personal supply needs. If we can be of further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for choosing OfficeMax!
Joanne Renaud
Customer Service - Email Support - Mentor, OH
And sure, this is somewhat a total copy and paste response back--but Im glad someone got back to me.. and as I said in my statement to them... they've lost my business regardless.
AND ALSO, all of you artists out there that are reading this.. PLEASE consider using OFFICE DEPOT for your 11 x 17 inch recycled paper needs!! GREAT FOR GIGS!!!!!!!
Thank you for your time!
Me :O)
The Hurricane!
OK.. back to some freelance I'm working on right now.. more to come.. and sure.. some art to post soon too! Yeah! ;O)
Friday, December 07, 2007
PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!
Ok, real quick.
You all know how I am some "weird", hippie... tree-hugging fool! That's right!!!
WELL, alright--popped into Chamberlins yesterday, in the Winter Park Village.
Which, by the way, is a store that carries natural/organic/enviro-typically-friendly food and vitamins... and is in "yuppyville" USA--well...
When I was checking out with my 2 tiny little items....
The woman proceeded to assume, and place my stuff in a plastic bag.
I obviously cringed, and spoke up stating--"Oh no..that's ok.... I don't need a bag..."
She proceeded to give me a "weird face"... like most people who aren't enviro-friendly.. or don't realize that plastic bags are a WASTE.. esp little things.. that God forbid... you can carry by hand/arm...
And I asked her.. (I have my own canvas bags btw... but still)... I asked her.."HEY.. do you all sell any canvas/reusable bags here?"
And she said... "No."
And I just thought to myself... wow... if your "competitor" wholefoods.... as well as any other grocery store right now, it seems,.. atleast make an attempt and sell the reusable bags...wouldn't it just make good business sense to offer the same?
Any who... I left a msg just now with a guy named Joe up in CORPORATE. who hopefully will (better) get back to me today about my few inquiries for him..... as far as the reasoning behind WHY they aren't already making further steps..... esp since I bought a bar of friggin 70% dark chocolate(high in antioxidants) that gave 10% of the profits to endangered species...... I mean... hi! You have chocolate that "helps" the environment... your whole STORE is full of things to better yourself, mind, .. body....earth? ... yet.. plastic bags?
So.. anywho....................
Hopefully I will talk a little more sense into him and their game plan.... and hopefully we can work something out... and start offering some more positive change....
Worse case... I am thinking I'll be getting a petition in place...so please.. let me be able to count on YOU ALL.. and anyone you know... to jump on this bandwagon.. and make Chamberlins realize that they too need to take a BIGGER stand on informing the public and to help make more of a difference.... so that soon.. plastic bags will become OBSOLETE in this country....
MUCH LIKE they have become banned in the UK:(most all parts)... ask my great friend Kelly!!! (on the top of my friend's links!!)
A great read: (PLEASE READ!!!!!!!)
It only makes sense.
And please let me be able to count on you.
Thanks for your time, and Ill keep you posted on this matter.
In the meanwhile...... do you use reusable containers when at any store?
Try it. :O)
I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
--Maria :)
And by the way... my little Yaris does get it's advertised 34/39 miles to the gallon. YEAH. Amazing... next time.. a hybrid. And soon after that... teleportation.... it's true ;O)
You all know how I am some "weird", hippie... tree-hugging fool! That's right!!!
WELL, alright--popped into Chamberlins yesterday, in the Winter Park Village.
Which, by the way, is a store that carries natural/organic/enviro-typically-friendly food and vitamins... and is in "yuppyville" USA--well...
When I was checking out with my 2 tiny little items....
The woman proceeded to assume, and place my stuff in a plastic bag.
I obviously cringed, and spoke up stating--"Oh no..that's ok.... I don't need a bag..."
She proceeded to give me a "weird face"... like most people who aren't enviro-friendly.. or don't realize that plastic bags are a WASTE.. esp little things.. that God forbid... you can carry by hand/arm...
And I asked her.. (I have my own canvas bags btw... but still)... I asked her.."HEY.. do you all sell any canvas/reusable bags here?"
And she said... "No."
And I just thought to myself... wow... if your "competitor" wholefoods.... as well as any other grocery store right now, it seems,.. atleast make an attempt and sell the reusable bags...wouldn't it just make good business sense to offer the same?
Any who... I left a msg just now with a guy named Joe up in CORPORATE. who hopefully will (better) get back to me today about my few inquiries for him..... as far as the reasoning behind WHY they aren't already making further steps..... esp since I bought a bar of friggin 70% dark chocolate(high in antioxidants) that gave 10% of the profits to endangered species...... I mean... hi! You have chocolate that "helps" the environment... your whole STORE is full of things to better yourself, mind, .. body....earth? ... yet.. plastic bags?
So.. anywho....................
Hopefully I will talk a little more sense into him and their game plan.... and hopefully we can work something out... and start offering some more positive change....
Worse case... I am thinking I'll be getting a petition in place...so please.. let me be able to count on YOU ALL.. and anyone you know... to jump on this bandwagon.. and make Chamberlins realize that they too need to take a BIGGER stand on informing the public and to help make more of a difference.... so that soon.. plastic bags will become OBSOLETE in this country....
MUCH LIKE they have become banned in the UK:(most all parts)... ask my great friend Kelly!!! (on the top of my friend's links!!)
A great read: (PLEASE READ!!!!!!!)
It only makes sense.
And please let me be able to count on you.
Thanks for your time, and Ill keep you posted on this matter.
In the meanwhile...... do you use reusable containers when at any store?
Try it. :O)
I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
--Maria :)
And by the way... my little Yaris does get it's advertised 34/39 miles to the gallon. YEAH. Amazing... next time.. a hybrid. And soon after that... teleportation.... it's true ;O)
Monday, December 03, 2007
Greenest Pres!?
an awesome read:
check it out... just a tid bit of info on what the candidates would like to do
if elected as president...
OK.. back to homework....
an awesome read:
check it out... just a tid bit of info on what the candidates would like to do
if elected as president...
OK.. back to homework....
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Some pics of hiking in N. GA a few weeks ago..

My obsession is hiking and mountains. And, you can't get that in FL. Sorry. I know.
So, at some point.. in a few years, after Andrew and I are wed....
we'll be moving.. to Colorado no doubt. Ft Collins sounds and reads as amazing.
I've only been to the SW end --Durango. Awesome town as well.
BUT.. in the meanwhile... we get away when we can.
N. GA is awesome.
So.. we checked out where the base of the Appalachian Trail starts.
AND... we're plotting when exactly we'll do the whole, more than 2,000 mile trail.
At some point. NOT TOO far away. :)
So.. here's some pics of our travel....
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
I FINALLY did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;O)

You can look up your vehicle as well, over at:
Automatic, Power package... (though didn't want it.....) V4..
got a GREAT deal on it though!!! ;O)
So yeah..... now... just gotta sell the old one for a few hundred...
Any takers on a beat up old 97 , V6,....white LX Ford Mustang!?!? Hey.. it's still good for parts!!!!! Come on...................
So with my new 2008 Yaris...
Better gas mileage.. here I come!
Better smog and greenhouse gas ratings!
Better everything!!!
Im Japanese now... babY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I will name my car something in relation to sushi...
mmm... which would be so so good right about now...
whoo Hooooooooooo
Monday, November 19, 2007
.. getting some stuff done...

In the process of looking to invest in more renewable art supplies.. less toxic... more recycled paper.. etc etc.. so much to think about.. it's all good though.
in the meanwhile..... a doggie sketch.
did an event on Saturday down in Melbourne to benefit the SPCA down there.. and I drew so many happy doggies!!! I had a BLAST! Looking foward to the next event down there......
more to come.. Mariaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Friday, November 16, 2007
This past Wed, I got to be an honorary teacher, and talk to 6, third class rooms, for about 20 min a piece about me being an artist.
And, how I am also a graphic designer, and also still do traditional art.
We discussed what graphic design is, and how it influences them, and their parents with everything that they buy. From cereal boxes, t-shirts, backpacks,.. lunchboxes... things they could relate to.
We discussed animations and cartoons... we talked about the differences between 2/d and 3/d art... also talked about claymations and what they are.
We talked about how the computer plays an important role in taking their drawing skills, and taking them to an even higher level.
I touched up on how these things are all possible.. by knowing the programs and how to use the computer to have it do what you want....
and the best part of all,... I took it back to READING.
And how reading... is so so so crucial, not just in the art world, but in the world around them.. and to just do well in life, and succeed and make money.. and take care of themselves...
Told them how its a powerful thing.. and for them to read as much as possible...
It was such an awesome experience.
I got allll super animated myself about talking about this stuff to them.. and I asked them questions.. so they could participate with holding up their hands... I let them ask me questions...
I brought in my easel, and had a demo caricature sketch with me.. told them about doing caricatures.. and what an easel is... etc etc.
Just a glorious time.
I am obsessed with third graders right now.
As a teacher put it
"This is at a point in their lives when they're not learning to read, they're reading to learn."
And wow, does that make so so so much sense.
Its amazing.
You should have seen the faces of there kid's light up, when I was telling them about art, and cartoons.. and showing them examples of my work.. and telling them that Ive been drawing since I was 5....
Adn I was encouraging those that love art.... to stick with it...
etc etc.
A glorious time.
Cant wait to finish my BA degree now.
And make it all happen.
I love kids.
*OH, I also had on a shirt that I "made" with a screening process (cafepress.com).. anyway..
It has a HUGE RECYCLE logo on the back of it.. and I asked them if they knew what it was... some did.. and we briefly talked about how IMPORTANT it is to recycle.. etc etc.
TWAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really would like to go back sometime soon.. and talk to the other grades about this stuff..... all on a level that each grade can relate to of course.
Updates to come.
And, how I am also a graphic designer, and also still do traditional art.
We discussed what graphic design is, and how it influences them, and their parents with everything that they buy. From cereal boxes, t-shirts, backpacks,.. lunchboxes... things they could relate to.
We discussed animations and cartoons... we talked about the differences between 2/d and 3/d art... also talked about claymations and what they are.
We talked about how the computer plays an important role in taking their drawing skills, and taking them to an even higher level.
I touched up on how these things are all possible.. by knowing the programs and how to use the computer to have it do what you want....
and the best part of all,... I took it back to READING.
And how reading... is so so so crucial, not just in the art world, but in the world around them.. and to just do well in life, and succeed and make money.. and take care of themselves...
Told them how its a powerful thing.. and for them to read as much as possible...
It was such an awesome experience.
I got allll super animated myself about talking about this stuff to them.. and I asked them questions.. so they could participate with holding up their hands... I let them ask me questions...
I brought in my easel, and had a demo caricature sketch with me.. told them about doing caricatures.. and what an easel is... etc etc.
Just a glorious time.
I am obsessed with third graders right now.
As a teacher put it
"This is at a point in their lives when they're not learning to read, they're reading to learn."
And wow, does that make so so so much sense.
Its amazing.
You should have seen the faces of there kid's light up, when I was telling them about art, and cartoons.. and showing them examples of my work.. and telling them that Ive been drawing since I was 5....
Adn I was encouraging those that love art.... to stick with it...
etc etc.
A glorious time.
Cant wait to finish my BA degree now.
And make it all happen.
I love kids.
*OH, I also had on a shirt that I "made" with a screening process (cafepress.com).. anyway..
It has a HUGE RECYCLE logo on the back of it.. and I asked them if they knew what it was... some did.. and we briefly talked about how IMPORTANT it is to recycle.. etc etc.
TWAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really would like to go back sometime soon.. and talk to the other grades about this stuff..... all on a level that each grade can relate to of course.
Updates to come.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Monday, November 05, 2007
art art art...

I received my last Communication Arts magazine in the mail yesterday.
Makes me kinda sad... but whatever, that's what hanging out at Barnes & Noble or Borders is for.
I canceled my subscription to just stop adding to the waste out there. Sure, I was going to recycle it anyway--one day. But, it's good to cut corners on paper goods when you can.
But, my God, what a beautiful mag. Inside, so many beautiful, pretty things. Typography, photography... everything amazing and artsy. ;O)
Makes me happy.
Art, art is so so awesome.
Love it all.
My feelings for the day: great.
Warm and fuzzy.
Words for the day: Insane, enlightening, fast-paced, eye opening.. etc.
Oh, for those of you who didn't know, I started today at a small 3/d animation studio here in town....doing character design.. layout ideas... threw out some thoughts... more tomorrow....
and more to come. Should be a fun time ;)
And still making time for my art.. and myself... of course.
TRYING to do it all. Least it's like a 15 min ride from my house to get there--literally!
NOW... to make some time for h/w tonight.. running to the grocery store in the morn. OH.. and mowing the lawn before work... hmm.. should be interesting.. heh.
NIGHT............... me ;O)
horoscope for the night... interesting..
Your Horoscope for NOVEMBER 06, 2007
Like a tornado that comes whirling through your world, Maria, anything of yours that is not tied down is likely to get caught up, blown around in circles, and tossed hundreds of feet away. Prepare yourself for this wind by making sure that everything in your life is secure in its place. Do not go on to another project until the first one is properly pinned down.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Article about me Online......
Hey all!!!
If you're bored, theres an article about me online:
This editor found me drawing doggies at a Petco near my house, interviewed me, and thought this would be a cool thing to write about.
It was going to end up in the Nov or Dec issue of the mag, but now MAY come out in Jan instead.
We'll see!
Hope everyone is doing well, no complaints here!
Mariaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ;)
If you're bored, theres an article about me online:
This editor found me drawing doggies at a Petco near my house, interviewed me, and thought this would be a cool thing to write about.
It was going to end up in the Nov or Dec issue of the mag, but now MAY come out in Jan instead.
We'll see!
Hope everyone is doing well, no complaints here!
Mariaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ;)
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Fiorellino Giramondo - Videosigla
TOTALLY AWESOME!!! Used to watch this as a kid in Italy.. esp when we would go visit the family there!!! ;O)
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Monday, October 01, 2007
working on.....
Thursday, September 27, 2007
more to come...
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Sleeping soon!?
Got some updates with art below... finally! :)
All done on a cold press stock... 9 by 12 or something... nothing fancy.
Bic Pen and Acrylic Paint.. some watered down to look like gouache/watercolor.
First one... figure it out whom I attempted a fun poke at.
Second... Andrew (the fiance) was outta town... and I created this while hanging at his pad.. and keeping his doggie-dog company...
Third... a piece created for a friend of mine. :)
I've got a painting that I've worked up of my dog to place up here.. possibly tomorrow...
OH.. and some doodles and sketches that I made while Joe and Danielle were in town.
So So So fun catching up and hanging with the art kids!!! Miss that bunch.
Sushi and laughter was had by all tonight... glad they didn't kick me out for being...... me.
... and now.. to attack that homework... Hmmm....

All done on a cold press stock... 9 by 12 or something... nothing fancy.
Bic Pen and Acrylic Paint.. some watered down to look like gouache/watercolor.
First one... figure it out whom I attempted a fun poke at.
Second... Andrew (the fiance) was outta town... and I created this while hanging at his pad.. and keeping his doggie-dog company...
Third... a piece created for a friend of mine. :)
I've got a painting that I've worked up of my dog to place up here.. possibly tomorrow...
OH.. and some doodles and sketches that I made while Joe and Danielle were in town.
So So So fun catching up and hanging with the art kids!!! Miss that bunch.
Sushi and laughter was had by all tonight... glad they didn't kick me out for being...... me.
... and now.. to attack that homework... Hmmm....

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

A doodle I did a while back.. of Ken with the red cap...and there you have a glimpse at "underground" DAN... as mentioned on Joe's bloggie... Dan and Ken are awesome... BUT.. Dan TOTALLY needs to get a blog... his sketches are pretty insane and just yell out FUN!!!!!!!!!!!

A doodle Joe B did way back when now... of Nate, me and him! Fun FUN!

A doodle Keelan did of me the other day after that big Disney gig.. heart it!
OK.. outta here.. more updates to come!!!
Have a great rest of the week alllllllllllllllllllllll!
Holla. ;O)
me me me
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