I received my last Communication Arts magazine in the mail yesterday.
Makes me kinda sad... but whatever, that's what hanging out at Barnes & Noble or Borders is for.
I canceled my subscription to just stop adding to the waste out there. Sure, I was going to recycle it anyway--one day. But, it's good to cut corners on paper goods when you can.
But, my God, what a beautiful mag. Inside, so many beautiful, pretty things. Typography, photography... everything amazing and artsy. ;O)
Makes me happy.
Art, art is so so awesome.
Love it all.
My feelings for the day: great.
Warm and fuzzy.
Words for the day: Insane, enlightening, fast-paced, eye opening.. etc.
Oh, for those of you who didn't know, I started today at a small 3/d animation studio here in town....doing character design.. layout ideas... threw out some thoughts... more tomorrow....
and more to come. Should be a fun time ;)
And still making time for my art.. and myself... of course.
TRYING to do it all. Least it's like a 15 min ride from my house to get there--literally!
NOW... to make some time for h/w tonight.. running to the grocery store in the morn. OH.. and mowing the lawn before work... hmm.. should be interesting.. heh.
NIGHT............... me ;O)
horoscope for the night... interesting..
Your Horoscope for NOVEMBER 06, 2007
Like a tornado that comes whirling through your world, Maria, anything of yours that is not tied down is likely to get caught up, blown around in circles, and tossed hundreds of feet away. Prepare yourself for this wind by making sure that everything in your life is secure in its place. Do not go on to another project until the first one is properly pinned down.
you have a very eye catching style.
You have great talent.
Thank you both, I really appreciate the kind words. :) Yay!
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