I want to do more in 2008.
Enough talking, more actions.
I need to upgrade myself more.
Would wish to join more positive orgs............
Maybe one day work for Greenpeace or .............
etc etc.
Or some awesome enviro company...... something relating to the outdoors.
And ultimately..
Ill become a park ranger as well.
Later down the line.
Save the polar bears... bring your own mug to starbucks........
Im out! ;O)

OH... AND.. exciting news.............
I plan on renting a hybrid (PRIUS) on wed.......... cause my little Yaris will be in the shop by then. Ill be having to pay the difference of what is covered by my insurance company of... just $5 a day.. which if I have the car 2 weeks? Will be just about $80 with taxes and everything that I'll be paying out of my OWN pocket.. BUT BUT BUT................ it will be so so so well worth it....
because... hi.
It's a Prius :)
46 mpg
Combined city and highway driving.
I has an insanely low carbon footprint...
and also....
and low ass air pollution score as well.
No other car I'd want to drive. :)
Check your vehicle stats here:
::deep happy sigh::
Im out.

Yeah. Ill get a new one too I guess :O(
I dont know. I should just reuse this one somehow......

Notice......... not much to him.. oh glorious, silly, chrome bumper that it dons.
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