Some quickie freelance email/jpeg commissions...
ALSO.. working on an awesome little project for a Design Firm here in town.. pics and info on that soon.
Other than that... wrapping up my semester with school... my WHOLE one class.. lol... 2 classes left for my degree in Graphics --portfolio review.. and an internship.
Ill be taking OFF of school next semester to focus more so on myself.. working on cleaning up and building my digital portfolio THAT MUCH more.. and also.. focusing on marketing myself more.. and making more money.. networking more like a BEAST I tell you... and also.. to focus on more charity work....
and FINALLY take a trip to Naples,Italy (most likely) to visit my family, and awesome Grandma (Nonna) there... that I haven't seen in almost 7 years now!!! TOO MUCH TIME HAS PASSED!!!
What else.. yeah.. I still CANNOT believe how quickly this year has gone by.
Working on seizing the days more.... what can I say.
Thanks for your time, and have a great day!!!!!!
Mariaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ;O)
--The Hurricane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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