Take the "29 Day Giving Challenge"... :)
Button Design for a friend... :)

For a series of promotional stuff for the Orlando SPCA... updates to come.
This is just a rough draft/thoughts of what I had on what the theme could be...

Still playing around with this Avatar I am making for a friend of mine.. gotta fix her hair.. tweak the background... etc etc :)

More to come.. whooOooO HoOOO
The front and back of a biz card I am working on for a friend of mine.. ALMOST done..
*And I am attempting to make bread dough today... fingers crossed that I didn't kill the yeast like last time... (the water was too hot before..) HA!
ALSO: www.Pandora.com = AMAZING!!! If you've NEVER used this site.. you don't KNOW what you're missing! FREE MUSIC!!! AMAZING! I just leave it playing in the background as I get things done through out the day! WHoOOOo HooOO!
OK.. back to work! :)
1 comment:
sooo cute and awsome!!! looks like such a cute version of the girl uptop... but still her! great job!
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