A sketch of Leno I did from TIME magazine's cover, while I was waiting for my car's oil and maintenance to be done...
Still messing with my friend's logo... the one for a cleaning service... scroll down to my older post (should have a newer update UP soon...) (image soon...)
Still messing with another friend's logo/concept.. a smileyfaced spy.. more info on this to come... (image soon...)
Coming up with a mascot for another cleaning service, working with my good friend Am on this one...

And also coming up with a logo/concept for the AWACF -- the Animal Welfare Aliance of Central Florida. I'm helping them out.. love this Cause. They're working on creating a low cost/high volume spay and neuter clinic here in Central Florida. We SO need this with all the stray/feral cats everywhere.. not too mention the euthanasia rate is WAY TOO HIGH IN Central Florida. (It's TERRIBLE!!!) It's just upsetting...
(I realize these next images are all more or less the same... we've just somewhat narrowed down what it should look like.. tweaking.. playing around with faces... and bodies still.. layout.. etc etc.. )
Just giving you some insight on "my" thinking process... enjoy! :)