Well, no cavities. No little trolls or goblins hiding out it caverns and such in my mouth. Good luck to them as it is. My teeth are so close together, hell, I have a hard enough time flossing as it is. I honestly do. I have the projects in my mouth. A true ghetto. A brood of teeth that are better buddies than anyone you know. More so than the Rat-Pack -- ps: bought uber cool Frank Sinatra stamps today at the post office. Seriously. Go get some.
Anywho... glad to have no cavities.
And then, you know what?
I'm a sucker for a good deal, maybe I was Seinfeld in a former life (I dated a Jewish guy, I can make these kinds of jokes. It's in the rule book. I'm serious. Go look it up. Page 343. Paragraph 5 I think it is...)
As I was saying, they were having a special on Teeth Whitening-- aka, Teeth- Bleaching. Typically runs for about 600 a pop, and I got mine done at a whopping $250. YES! I know! How could I let this get away? RIGHT!
So, being a picses (March 5th, btw), I took the bait... hook (see the picture), line a sinker. And it sucked. No dentist utensil humor here. I wish this upon no one.
It burned. Bleached my GUMS white, parts anyway, for about an hour... and man.. sensitive teeth for over a day and a half. And you know what.. not so impressed. BLAH. Maybe Ill down a few lattes and espressos next time I ever, EVER consider doing this again. Or take up smoking for a week. Make them work like a girl on OBT. (I'm kidding.)
So yeah. Hope you like the pic. Says it all.
Looks like I got puked on by cookie monster.
I did.

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