YEAH! So.. the countdown is at 4 days til I leave Sea World forever...
and... I have to share this one... this was a rejected caricature that I got today... I feel as though I got a good likeness on the guy... he didn't like it much.. OR.. should I say his MOTHER didn't like it too much..
SORRY LADY... I exaggerated it.... my bad!
I like the body I did... and I normally hate drawing bodies.. so... had to save this one! WHOOOoo HOO!
ANYWAYS... yeah yeah.. more posts to come soon! WHOO HOoooooooooooooo
night for now.. or is it!?
How long have you worked for Kammans?
I worked for them about 6 years and became a supervisor. It was the most fun I ever had at any job ever, until I became a supervisor, but still a cool job. I worked at Cedar Point and then Kings Island and a Little at Knotts Berry Farm. I quit to expand my art horizons. After I left I had more time to draw and my art improved. Its good your moving on I have friends still there and after a while you just become stagnant, and you never have time to do anything else with your life because all your good money days are on weekends and holidays. Good luck with your future and keep up the good work!
Hey hey! I worked for them on and OFF almost 10 years... which is why I had to run away this time ;O) ::grins:: Couldn't let it get to the 10 yr mark. No way.
But yeah.. it has been fun.. have learned a LOT... met a LOT of talented new friends.. and just yeah... learned so so much.. so.. taking away SO MUCH! No regrets... but yeah.. it's too too hot to work outside... I capped out pay-wise.. and I just gotta take some time out and focus on myself.. and my art.. and yeah.. make time for me me me...
thanks btw!!! YAY for progress! Night!!!
awesome drawing Maria!
Thanks, Chris!!! ;O)
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