This is the only
Carbon Footprint I would ideally like to leave behind... yes yes.. I was born in Italy, am half Italiana, and know how to burn some bread! Yeah! :O) This jelly is amazing by the way, totally organic red raspberry berry goodness.. mmmm!

This is yet another reason I am glad to be leaving Sea World... it disgusts me how much waste I see everyday... and yeah.. there are no recycle bins located near the trash... people aren't doing their part.. and it's upsetting. Sure, they may sort through this later... BUT... why not knock out a few steps in the process. GAH! Theme parks..... give me a
National Park any day...can't wait to move out West....

This is my amazing Chloe doggie--got her at the Humane Society Pound about 5 years ago now.. she's awesome. I adore her... and I feel the love back. Pound Puppies are the best... not to mention Mutts rock! So so smart! And this is her "Baby Squirrel" toy! :)

This is how I respect my paint brushes... aw, yes... digital art is so less messy! (Yet... sometimes not as fun... ;)

Still needing to give out more of these bad boys... great deal though... ClubFlyers.com.... got 5,000 of these made, double-sided, color, under $100. :)

This guy.. oh man.. this guy wasn't so happy with his sketch... he was kinda SHOCKED as to why I gave him such a thick neck... I was like.. "Uhhhh"... and for the record... he has this HUGE smile... BUT.. denied me access to it for this picture.. I was like.. "Come ON Tough GUY!?!?" Those Miami-Russian born kids.. go figure?! And LOOK.. he's doing the head-cocked-back dealio... This isn't a mug shot.. BUT NOW, for your viewing pleasure.. he was DEF TRYING TO LOOK COOL! Poop. :(

THIS.. THIS!!! This is DEF one of my all-time faves ever... just cause the kid was awesome.. look at all the colors?! I mean.. his hair... his face.. total cutie-kid from Ireland! AND YEAH! Loved how this one came out.. and they all loved it TOO! :O) And this is why I love drawing!!! ;O)

This was originally a demo that I had this girl sit down for... her brother was getting sketched by a co-worker.. and I was bored.. and not on the score board yet. SO.. you know.. said "Hey.. can I just draw you for fun!?!" And then.. she loved it.. and bought it. AS ALL YOU KAMAN'S people know.. you're not to SHADE-IN a b/w sketch.. for fear that they might like it in B/w.. and you can't up-sell in color,.... OR just that.. once you shade it.. it's DONE and you can't technically go back and color it in.. without it looking all funky with the color.. like.. everyone will look like a Wolverine or something.. OR.. just the fact you're "wasting" time and money shading it.. BUTTTTTTTTTTT... I love to LOVE my art that I place MY NAME on.. so... I've been shading my stuff ANYWAYS... I figure.. no management is around to "yell at me".. I've worked here forever... and NOW.. I'm done here forever. SO THAT.. THAT IS WHY I shade my art! YES!!! I MUST!! Moving right along....

This was a fun sketch -- I really like how this one came out. And the best part is... the guy liked the sketch!!! :O)
YAY when that happens!!! :O)
The end on pics! More to come!!!
OH... so..
One day left after today at Sea World/Kaman's Art Shoppes...
NiGHT ALL! More posts to come in the future! Gotta work work work!