It has just started...
here's the latest..
other than the petition I just started today..and hope to get thrown around..:
AND... heres the convo's back and forth so far..
This was my weak/silly-written comment to CFA earlier today via their website:
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 1/11/2008 02:48:16 PM
Subject: Chick-fil-A Web Form Message
What the hell is up with continuing to use styrofoam cups? You should give
people a minimum of atleast 10-20 cents off a beverage order for those that are
earth-concious enough, and want to make a positive difference and start creating
less trash. Lets face it... fast food = fast trash... and TONS of it....
wouldnt it be awesome of you all to start creating a more positive change... and
an idea that hasn't caught on yet with too many large companies. COME ON. Do it
for the cows. Make you mooooooooooooooooooove now.
***And here is a response I've gotten back so far:
Dear Miss Bolton:
Thank you for taking the time to contact Chick-fil-A. You are very important to
us, and we appreciate your comments and questions.
We want you to have a great dining experience each time you visit our
Chick-fil-A stores. The type and amount of packaging we use is intended to
ensure that our customers are able to maximize their enjoyment of our food and
beverages while at the same time meeting our strict sanitation and temperature
We share your concerns regarding the environment. Although customer feedback
reveals that the majority of our customers favor the type and style of packaging
that we use, we are constantly looking for more economically and more
ecologically sound alternatives. Our polystyrene containers (drink cups) have
never been produced using chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and are, therefore, ozone
safe. Foam products are more easily recycled than plastic, coated, or treated
paper products.
Unfortunately, there is a misconception that paper food service containers are
easily recyclable. In order to be used as food containers, paper must be
treated or coated in some way. For instance, most cups are either coated with
wax or a polyethylene film. Even though it is possible to recycle paper if the
coating or film is removed, it is, for all practical purposes, unrealistic to do
Biodegradability is another issue of concern. Contrary to popular belief,
landfills are not giant compost heaps, where contents rapidly degrade. Research
has shown that paper buried in landfills does not biodegrade very quickly.
Therefore, there is no advantage in using paper over foam if the issue is
We do appreciate your business and want to please you as well as all our other
customers. To the best of our ability, we make our decision on that basis;
however, it is sometimes difficult to please everyone with everything we do.
Again, thank you for your time and interest in Chick-fil-A. We look forward to
serving you in one of your local Chick-fil-A Restaurants soon.
Chick-fil-A CARES
Chick-fil-A...We Didn't Invent The Chicken,
Just The Chicken Sandwich.
On the Web at
***And here is my latest EMAIL to Miss Tamara with CFA:
Hey there, Tamara. Good evening to you.
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly, here.
So, question for you, as you state below:
"Foam products are more easily recycled than plastic, coated, or treated
paper products."
Are you actually recycling these foam cups/containers than you speak of?
Where can I find proof of this?
Doesn't seem like I can find any of this info on your website.
Why is that?
Shouldn't you want to drown out/shut up the "conspirators" like myself who feel like you're in a sense, not doing enough?
Or at least, could be doing more?
Why don't you all have sorting bins at each of your restaurants?
Wouldn't this just aide in the recycling process--wouldn't this just save some steps, including time, and everyone's money?
Not too mention, the environment?
And, also, prevent a lot of these used materials from even touching a landfill or two?
Also, are you all aware of Biodegradable corn-based plastics?
What is your take on this?
They're the latest "trend" that seems to be catching on.
Here are some links that I feel your team should consider reading up on:
(And actually... if you plug "Biodegradable Corn-Based plastics" into any search engine... you'll find wayyyyyyy more links and info and insight
than I could even have the time to send you.)
This article came out in 2003:.. (I think we're in 2008 now.)
This article reads how Europe is making a commitment to these "new" measures of biodegradable-tech:
Here' s just ONE company you all could invest in.. or atleast LOOK into doing business with.
DEFINITELY curious on your take and rebuttal on why Chick-Fil-A hasn't made the switch.. or any real changes in their policies yet.
I am a consumer.
And I am not alone with my feelings on this.
By the way, I am very aware as to how specific landfills do not "breath" in the sense of how a TRUE compost does, which is why, even
certain types of organic matter, like even Banana peels may take up to even 40 years to break-down, not too mention exude toxic gases such as methane
when they finally do start to break down/decompose.
So, please spare me as to why you use foam vs paper at this point.
AND, AS FAR AS a business aspect of this is concerned,
wouldn't you want to appeal to the masses right now,
with our current and VERY REAL global situation at hand, as looking like a GREEN COMPANY?
As looking like a green company, that actually cares about making a difference?
As looking like a Large, American corporation that is infact looking out for the greater good?
AND NOT JUST for how much money they can cram into their pocket, and what else they can throw
over their shoulder and discard as trash, and someone else's, or GOD FORBID, some other nation's problem?
This is OUR problem.
You have a chance to do so MUCH, Tamara.
Take full credit for this, I don't care.
Please as a MORAL issue, please do something more.
Start a chain reaction here.
Do you plan on having kids one day?
Leaving future generations anything?
Thanks for your time, and again, looking forward to hearing back from you,
Maria Bolton
And we'll wait and see how this fire goes.............
yay for potential change.I am boycotting the chain starting TODAY.