If you love animals.. please help out, and read on!
A few things on the horizon going on:
1st thing: If you have free July 28th, Monday, 8 am -- you should come out to the courthouse in Viera to protest some DEF animal abuse/neglect.
This deals with the dog abuse case with Ella the dog. She was left in a crate in her FL garage home for 2 months straight. No food. No water. Nothing. She died a cruel and disgusting death -- by the hands of her owner, Christine Dawn Abrams. (Google THAT winner.) Ella died with one of her front paws stretched out, trying to reach a dog food bag that was just 5 feet away from her. FIVE FEET AWAY FROM HER. What a CRUEL DEATH!!!!!! Christine moved, and lived within 6 miles of Ella's death bed. NO REMORSE. She continued to party the 2 months the dog was dead and lying there. They have proof of this from her FORMER myspace page. PLEASE read this and sign the petition!!!!!!!!!!:
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/53/Justice-For-EllaThis woman shows NO REMORSE.. no responsibility for her actions.. AT ALL.
We are rallying on this day, for this criminal's pre-trial -- to make sure she DOES get prosecuted AND punished for this heinous crime.
Her lawyer is trying to throw out the evidence--including the poor, dead dog - because they say it went against her 4th amendment right, since the police went into the
foul-smelling home without a search warrant. Fact is, a rotting mammal, will smell the same, be it a human or a dog... so this is irrelevant.. and we all want to make sure she DOES get prosecuted for being so vile and disgusting!!!!! And INHUMANE!!
So please... come on out on July 28th!
If you'd like even more info/directions/etc email me: Paesan123@aol.com
DO IT!!! :)
2nd order of business, please read this blog:
Having to do with a local asshole in Orlando and his wonderful dealings with animal abuse and neglect. Once you read how disgusting he is... PLEASE feel free to write a few nasty reviews about his business on the following links:
Unfort, there is NO WAY to prosecute him at this time... this piece of shit...
So.. spread the word,... BILLIS auto is BAD NEWS!!!!!!
3rd order of business.....TRYING to find a home for this sweet baby: (His name is BUDDY!!! :)

the story and specs here: (this is my friend's dog.)
"I need to find a home for him very soon. I am moving to Miami in a few weeks. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease pass the word on to see if any friends of yours are interested. I can bring him to you. Here are the specifications:
- male, neutered
- 1.4 years old
- microchip
- crate trained
- house trained
- up to date shots
- heartworm and flea medicated
- friendly
- listens well and follows commands
- crate, toys, bed included
- only asking $50 for rehoming
407-760-2610 cell "
Thank YOU all for your time.. and have a great rest of the weekend!!!
Mariaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)